Tag: visa

BY COLIN JAMIESON It is clearly the intention of the legislator that individuals requesting the DV Visa/Stay Permit need to be entirely compliant with their Italian tax and social security obligations. Italy has two very attractive tax regimes which can apply to digital nomads:- the Regime Forfettario – a 5% flat tax for the first five years […]


On 4 April 2024 a Ministerial Decree issued by the Italian Interior Minister  was published in the Italian Official Gazette.  Effective 5 April 2024, the Decree implements the Digital Nomad Visa and Stay Permit envisaged by a 2022 Law amending the Italian Immigration Code and introducing the  Digital Nomad Visa for the first time into Italian law. […]

Conditions for accessing the DV Visa Entry into and residence in Italy of non EU citizens who meet the definition of digital nomad and who: possess the  minimum education qualifications as set out in Article 27-quater, paragraph 1, of  Legislative Decree No. 286 of 25 July 1998 (see below) and who present evidence of the same; […]